i think this is my most boring sunday thus far.soo boring till the point i cant studycause studying will only make my sunday more boring and i wont allow that.i'll start studying tomorrow and will hit the sack soon.im really tired though i did nothing much today.am tired and unhappy bout this very boring sunday. :l DAY AFTER TODAY IS AUGUST!and i hope it'll be a good month:)all i know is that it'll bring me a holiday!which july s dont have. :l
11:02:00 PM
you put the blame on me again
10:44:00 PM
oh yeah!i forgot to mention--my WHOLE class is f*ing hell down for SSSP.YES, of course im unhappy about it.like, i can only study productively on my own accord so...millions of forcing wont work on me.*spits on the ideathough we're granted the decision to do it within our breaks (i greatly appreciate it)but its still a hassle to have to scan in your card (or whatever we have to do) to sorta "proof"you're studying to the teachers.like.. im sure that would corroborate that we're actually studying-.-okay. i wanna quit the complaining or it'll go on and on and.....so all in all,im unhappy -.-
6:50:00 PM
tests tests tests.that bests describes this week.and of course not forgetting piles of assignments as well!econs test, lit test, geog hw, math file and correctionsare ALL (due) on wednesday!'hurray' cause lit's postponned to wednesdaycause of the H1 chem people which means....right after econs test is lit test!yeah...tell me about it... -.-
6:05:00 PM
oh crystal ball crystal ball save us all tell me life is beautiful mirror mirror on the wall
5:58:00 PM
i think im gonna be hooked ontoLIFEas we know it i think its better than one tree hill which ... will have to do wayy better for me to ever get hooked onto it. no idea why many craze over it. BUT id say that oc still is ranked no. 1 ! :) it beats all hands down! its great i tell you! haha :)) and... im officially unhappy humph. (over a trivial matter of which i wont say of course..)
3:43:00 PM
nathalie kelley in tokyo drift:)she's pretty pretty:]
1:27:00 AM
i have to block out thoughts of you so i don't lose my headthey crawl in like a cockroach leaving babies in my bed
1:01:00 AM
loving the weekends and dreading the weekdays ahead! :lfriday was great! though i only managed to meet him at 9pm.but it ended off with tokyo drift:)ive watched all 3 i would proudly say! cause i like:))though not much plot and the usual racing of cars.and today ended off with cabaret.well.. it wasnt really nice and all...but certainly entertaining:)hmm. and i dread sundays cause it means school's coming.roar.why cant everyday be a weekend?now all im looking forward to is 9th aug!cause it means....HOLIDAY!lets all jump for joy:D
12:46:00 AM
only thing that consoles me from this time of the monthis the festival that comes after this spooky season--MOONCAKE FESTIVAL! :Di dread the school daysbut come friday and the weekend.......would mean a full week of tests by the time its over.school is )(@&$()&@)(%&%)#!!! -.-weekends are bliss.but this weekend i'll have to do some minimum amountof studying and that really puts me off.i wanna play! humphh
10:34:00 PM
today's the first day of.... :S I DONT LIKE! :[im loaded with work and i dont like! :(there's a sudden geog test on thursday(on globalization la omg)math tutorial by fridaylit test on mondaymath file on wednesdayas well as econs testall of which....ive not started except for the tutorial(only left the reflective summary)and im lacking sleep.im tired :(and my differentiation test today = comfirm faili couldnt remember the formulas la! omg dam stupiddifferentiate tanx = -sec(square)x laand cotx = cosecxlike.. not smart only...like.. dam smart -.-i blame the headache and the lack of sleep.pfft.cause the test was beyond easy:(i would hate to admit its that im just getting dumb:lanyway i finally met laura today!haha. :)its been a month!and tomorrow it's JOSE TIME! :)ohh revive the jkjy love~!we shall take photos despite how ugly we look!YAY! i really need to use the looooo now so..:]
9:59:00 PM
i'll practice math during desperate housewivessince ive wasted my whole day :l--im in a holiday mood-WHY! >l
9:20:00 PM
and how your scent lingers even when you're not herestole his shirt when i needed one on sunday.its washed! but his smell still linges on the shirt :]im bored-
9:12:00 PM
my hamster's the most adorable thing! :]]i dont ever want them to be extinct!i love the big fat ones!!they're big and fat therefore nice to cuddle but they're like extinct in stores :'(kill the dwarfs! roar!!SQUISH SQUISH MY HAMMIE! :))i love it when they just wake upcause they're so blur and they can barely walk properly hoholove love!! :))
8:22:00 PM
whats terrible is that ive a math test tomorrow(on differentiation which i stink like shit at:l)and up till the time i reached home till now ive been online non-stop!!ARGH (not even for toilet breaks oreven for food!*gasps) furthermore i took early leavehoping to get some rest but.....f* it seriouslyim thinking of skipping school tomorrow roar.i doubt i will though :l
5:35:00 PM
tonight our spirits will be climbing to a sky lit up with diamonds
3:31:00 PM
"When your relationship starts to break down, you need AAA: an Apology, Affection, and a promise of Action. You say you're sorry for what you've said or done to hurt or disappoint your partner. You immediately offer a hug, a kiss—some meaningful gesture of warmth. You pledge to do something that matters to your partner."
— Mira Kirshenbaum, psychotherapist -- and author of The Weekend Marriage :)
2:26:00 PM
the class missed me when they were at obs says muriel!YAY! :)) who doesnt love being missed?:)oh well....anyway the cramps are really killin' me:(
12:53:00 PM
im hooked onto this girls blog secretly.she's sooo gorgeous i just cant take it!!!_______and quote & unquote john!______" skirts should be like essays, ______short and sweet, ______but long enough to cover the subject "
:) i like!
and extreme boredom results in major blogging rampancy--
12:12:00 PM
memories:)it may be quite gross to some but to me its a whole different feeling:)) those were the days when the both of us were still studying.and these were the resultant effects-productivity and grades were on the downsidebut lovin' was high up:)and if i had a chance to do it all over again,i wouldnt change a single bit of how i spent my time:)retaining isnt that bad!cause i always make great friends in the process!:)in sec3 was jq,dora,trish,jiang,ree especiallyand in j1 its cherlyn,niccole,john especially and.................some more!:) HAHA.so 'YAY' to retaining! :Xi mean......i get longer bus concessions too! HAHA
11:58:00 AM
took early leave at 930 today:)and managed to catch a bit of miss universe!i wanted miss japan to win soo badly! oh well :/i have a math test tomorrow but i thought it was the following tuesdayBUT NO.......pfft.i cant wait to roll around in bed:)days are soo boring even that, is fun :ldont know why but suddenly everyday seems really dreadful.i need to find something exciting to look forward to! :[and tonight desperate housewives!and WEDNESDAY....... drum roll please!!OC!!!!!! :Dokay. now thats something id sayreally brightens me up.I LOVE! :):):)
11:24:00 AM
mark's taking forever!at least he has finally boarded 14 at dhoby!so its 20mins before he reaches my house busstop!dinner it is...but im still full!i ate TOO much this afternoon!im still full cause i was still eating at 6+ HAHA.im a PIG! :l
8:45:00 PM
im not as perfect as you'd likeim not so prenned or supremed baby as you'd look for--
8:27:00 PM
youre nothing but aunreasonable nincompoop.i need a breather--
8:17:00 PM
plans for friends--of which i stopped for a while...thrilling tuesday with lawonderful wednesday with josefantastic friday with jq etc!haha. friday is a tentative plan.but jose is finally back! and the last time i met her when she was back in sg.....were the days i werent even with mr M yet! so...overseas studying aint the best option id ever vote for.BUT now that she's back is all that matters! :)ALRIGHT! :Dcause im suffering from overwhelming boredom-ness! :l
7:58:00 PM
anyway last night was a tad bit crazy!went out in the evening with mark wilin travins vincent, and..................................then later..... i only slept at 5+am! without feeling really tired at all :owhich is really rare!i mean, i can sleep standing on trains and buses and all..which goes to show how tired i always amHMM.im bored.should be going out later?but for now, im bored stiff :land i bumped into jq last night!:)haha:)))
4:12:00 PM
you Stink! :[with a captial 'S'! pfftt.
4:10:00 PM
linwei [since you complained :x]enlarged photos can be seen if you click on the photosand there's another button to enlarge it further again:)anyway didnt go to school today:)slept for a grand total of 14 hours!cheers!recuperation baby~haha. i needed it:)furthermore 1st day programme was horrible.and i would specifically direct the blame to the learning journey-.-at bukit chandu.was having flu the entire day furthermore which resulted in a slight fever when i got back.we waited 45 bloody minutes for the f*ing coach at the most undesirable place.we cursed the bloody uncle driving the busand really hopes he'll get sacked!and i have this fishy feeling that YJ hired the cheapest company.and i wonder why pfft.and good news cause....TOMORROW'S FRIDAY!-jumps up and down in overwhelming joyhaha. yes, i love to exaggerate.oh wells..cant blame me as,if there were no traces of exaggeration in my mediocre-rated life, it would make it...undoubtedly boring! :land.... i wanna play soo hard cause it feels like the holidays!(since them virgin-OBSers are feeding the mosquitos at P.U)it really feels like a holiday to me!which is a bad thingcause i always sense the holidays many times quickerthan i get the feel when i have to be seriousand get down to work! :lboo...ANYWAYforgot to mention this, the other time i blogged!the album was a success! :Dso i would really like to thank some people:)especially to linwei, ching:)your ideas really helped!fellie who gave opinions when i needed themand accompanied me while i did the crazy amount of sticking, etc.going all the way to NP before geog startedjust to print out one last picture:)and to dearest meryl who helped me hunt downthe meow meow in school.and the other people who helped in one way or another!and thanks to cheryl for the wishing too! :)hmm...my life is boring!i need some entertainment! poo....
8:25:00 PM
150706 (1year!)
the rest of the photos are either ugly or..are duplicate facial espressions ha.dinner was the loviest ive had in my entire life! :) (with people apart from the family)at Angus Steak House.the food was lovely lovely lovely :) right from the appetizers!AND with my most favvvourtie dessert -- tiramisu! :D which sealed the meal COMPLETELY! :] and the dearest who made me a big square tiramisu cake!awww............. *meltshis very first and only baking experience!rounds of applause please! :))i give him 10 stars out of 10 for credit! :D--lets countdown to year TWO! :)
11:20:00 PM
130706Mark's birthday! :)
it was nothing special,but it was swamped with red hott sizzling lovin'!~ the first photo was taken when we were super shagged.we were really tired and it was time to part!so faces werent the most pleased :l
11:12:00 PM
im finally home!:)havent been home since friday evening.friday met miss loo jingqin to watch havoc. :oevery scene was breast-filled-even at random times when it wasnt even apropriate.it was soo horrific till i even dreamt about BREASTS!! (which were SUPER related to my life)which made it 84378072940358290375 times more scary. :''((( i woke up NEARLY at the point of tearswas how @&$*#(%^ the dream was... -.-after that i went home to bathe then met mark. and went to arab street afterwith wilin and travins.wee hours are fun once in a while :))and it was prata house for supperr!though.. i didnt eat haha.saturday met jq dora ree and jiang for awhileto really catch up (cause it was forever since we ALL met up)and trish i thought you knew or would call!it wasnt intentional! :lthen swoop off to meet mark again:)and wilin.went wilin's house for awhilethen off to MOS.2 more minutes and we would have to pay $10 moreSO we were all hands-stretched-outand ready to be choppedand SAVED!! HAHA. :x some of wilins friends were there as well hmm...anyway........FUN id say it was:Dhaha... :)))and now im home sweet home!many things happened at home!my room airconditioner blew:sand the comp area's lights are gone:l (as in it blew and even changing the bulb doesn't help)strange!oh well!I CANT WAIT FOR NEXT WEEKEND!HOOHA!i love my life! haha.as in.. sometimes...when its 247 F-U-Nha:xbut now its back to realityand i have homework duebut.....the album's gonna come first.(look at my priorities again)but but butim gonna make the album superr plain and simpleBUT it still needs aalot of workcause even purely sticking the 100 photos is already a major hassle.ARGand...i cant wait for dinner! HAHA:)CLAYPOT AT HOME! WOOH!!
5:33:00 PM
smart tv was installed yesterday! HAHAHA.my DAD wanted it.now my whole family can MAXIMISE our tv entertainment!! :othe whole album thing is stressing me outtill the point my eyebags are sinking in further.cause i can feel the weight on my eyes(i think now john would understand HAHA)uhm..i think im getting back GP tomorrowand sure im hell worried cause i never pass.STRESSES ASIDE.....met JAS and AUD today! :)jolly joy. i love (though it's like 1/5 of the clique)clique outings!! :)the joys of bitching:))but hey.SOMETIMES IT AINT MY FAULT.sometimes i have to, to VENT on someoneand i can finally feel bettercause they will have the same sentiments.:)SN GIRLS ROCK HARDCORE!:))and i realised yesterday that--i sleep EARLIER during EXAMSand WAY later when not :Ohahaha.and most people do the oppositeand burn the midnight.used to believe in that but now i dont anymore.sleep is always more important!:)i have nothing more to say for now.the brain has been emptied! UHMM...
10:23:00 PM
im steaming like a lingyong pau-.-pissed, if you want another term..i have lost all mood of any possible enthusiasm.thus reached my pitstop for tonight.i feel like roaringjust thinking about it---* STOPS thinking about it___________________________________ANYWAY some randomsss--my eyebags are getting worseand im getting rounder.and the suspense for the block test resultsARE KILLING ME!! rarrhh!ive only gotten back math.HMM..... (should i even comment on it?:l)and GP should be a definate fail!oh well..im moody.pfffffft.HATE THE MOOD-SPOILER!!! ARGHH.school sucks-.- (another random remark)cause im sour now and the world is KAAPUII! -.-
10:57:00 PM
oh and a random thought--saturday was the FIRST time ive let my hair down since....YEARS or something.NOTE: hair which is not rebonded, permed or done by a salon.and my short hair period isnt counted!cause i COULDNT tie it so.. THERE! :oand thus i meant it when i said he stole my vanity.hmmmm..........it's 1+am and about time i hit the sack.or the eyebags will haunt the eyes of everyone.:(NIGHT!!
1:14:00 AM
why do some people only talk to mewhen they have to ask about econs?!-glares at JOAN HIA and YI EN -.-at least im fine with them both or.......I WONT REPLY! hahaha.im evil.but i mean..why help the people i dislike? :xseriously..will you?:oANYWAY i super like the new peugeot ad:)'in a womans world,men will be tailored,heels wont hurtand diamonds will grow on trees':)well, SOMETHING like that.but yeah! i like:):)
12:36:00 AM
ive decided to start my whole countdown ritual again! HAHANINE more days to mark's birthday andELEVEN more days to one year! :)it'd be nicer if it were both on the 13th but....too bad i had a confused mind then! :lARGH. my bad..now that i slept in the afternoon...im far from feeling the teeniest bit tired.my own doing, again.*shrugsanyway something to ponder over--never ever for one moment think you're great (at anything)for complacency will set in.hmm. true right?i think it even applies to the physical.like, when you think you've finally hit your desired weight and size,you'll usually start to think you deserve some fattening rewards and.....BAM! you're fat (according to your own terms) again.HMM..i think aud and i will be the ones who can totally relate to this, seriously.. hahaha. :Xand it applies to studies as well!oh bloody human nature.. HAHA.
12:17:00 AM
im drowning in the depths of boredom!and ive STILL YET to finish the econs essays!its just soo tiring to write-.-
4:02:00 PM
was watching some random show on channel U just now..(not my idea of a tv channel wasn't my house and tv so no choices there for me..)the gist of fiona xie's dialogue-__________________________________ a man who loves you more than you do(but doesn't hurt you)ORa man you really love (and vice versa) but always hurts you... __________________________________AND THEN i wonder....dont you?
11:29:00 PM
and so with watery eyes and a breaking heart, she keeps wondering why- why he can't be more understanding, more forgiving, and hell less petty. the more she tries to rectify, each try causes more friction. each blabber is bounced back harder, and is less sound. it's like an arithmetic progression, or maybe even a geometric progression.. the unforgiving mind constantly brings forth the past and shove it into the argument where possible. it's not her fault because this time she has done no faults to be accused of anything. but his inane mind insists everything is her fault. there must always this one who's willing to compromise.. but it's absurd for the same one, to always............
10:55:00 PM
i was shocked!brazil AND england lost! -gasps(wonder if linwei lost $$ hahaha)oh wells...TOMORROW'S YOUTH DAYAND JOY TO HAVING NO SCHOOL! :Dim gonna go for food fests later HEH:)i wanna explore them chilli crabsand the thai food fest.heard this years is much better than the past few.YAY YAY TO THE GLORY OF FOOD!:)))
12:36:00 PM
john-of-ark says: but you're in luck! john-of-ark says: this is like one of the most exciting match throughout the world cup so far john-of-ark says: it has everything except goalshaha.random conversationsbut i thought it was really funny though...haha.
1:15:00 AM
and so i was in town and.....................I BUMPED INTO MISS MERYL! :)hahaha.and what was funny wasmark was the one who spotted her:Oengland and portugal still both nil.oh well.who cares about the world cup?almost the whole world (in fact)except me and mark HAHA.:)) the OTHER guys and their soccer...-shakes headbut my father watches it everyday so its hard to not hear the tv and their ('their' cause my mom joins him ha)roaring of utter disappointment with england (for today) ha!and.....treetops apartment is like,22k per month for rental! yes! TWENTY TWO THOUSAND!-gaspsdeary deary me!but the placereally was prettypretty:)and its been more than a year since ive seen xiao and steph:xso it was really nice finally seeing them after all my constant'im not free'-BUT-cause-im-secretly-out-with-markthing going on....OOPS.:l
12:35:00 AM
yeah you've said it!finally some picture taking for us ha. REASONS WHY I NEVER LET MY HAIR DOWN ARE SELF-EXPLANATORY IN THE PICTURES!
and i seriously think my face put on weight:(and the hand picture thingy is lame.some inside joke thing ha!
12:30:00 AM
pictures from the BBQ! at treetops apartment. beautiful place:)
11:42:00 AM